Fuel for innovation
Azwin Ressang
Azwin Ressang brings more than 25 years of experience in building exceptional teams. As Partner of Fuel for Innovation, Azwin specializes in the combination of personal- and team development, skill development and crucial conversations in team dynamics. Acting often as a confidant and counselor, Azwin key ability is to introduce and maintain psychological safety within a team and encourage self-insight.
Frans Cuppen
Frans Cuppen brings more than 35 years of his own leadership experience in building exceptional teams from the ground up. As Partner of Fuel for Innovation, Frans uses this tacit knowledge to find the drive within each unique team. Frans is often asked to lend his experience to other organizations as an advisor or member of the advisory board. Being a seasoned leader in the corporate environment, he knows how to get things done. He can seamlessly spot the ‘elephant in the room’ and confront dysfunctional teams.